New Digital 银行ing—Coming Soon! 数字银行目前是不可用的,而我们最终确定一个新的数字银行的经验,作为我们的系统集成的一部分. 我们将在新平台上线后给您发送电子邮件,以便您探索新的特性和功能. 与此同时, 请访问我们的网站,了解更多有关期望以及如何为顺利过渡做准备的信息.
NEFCU is governed by a volunteer board composed of members who serve three
classes of staggered terms and meet monthly with the CEO and Executive Team.
The responsibility of the 董事会 is broad, 需要谨慎, 负责任的, 以及深思熟虑的承诺
overseeing the safety and soundness, 风险管理, 操作, 表演, and strategic direction of the credit union.
Additional sub-committees focused on policy, 社区的贡献, 环境问题, 还有更多
艺术伍尔夫 received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1980. 从1980年到2019年退休,他一直是弗吉尼亚大学经济系的一员. In 1988 he was appointed state economist by Governor Madeleine Kunin, a position he held through the end of her term in 1991. He was the last person to hold that position in Vermont state government. 他于1991年至2015年共同出版了佛蒙特州经济通讯,并于2011年至2018年为伯灵顿自由出版社撰写了关于佛蒙特州经济的每周专栏. In 2019 he began writing a regular column for In 1999 he founded The Vermont Council on Economic Education, 他是一家帮助佛蒙特州教师将经济学和个人理财纳入课堂的组织,自2002年以来,他一直是the Foundation for teaching economics的教员. Art enjoys life in his log house on 140 acres in Westford, where he has lived with his wife, 天蓝色Gaspari, 自1982年以来. They have two grown children who, alas, do not live in Vermont.
纽曼斯宾塞 is president of Green Mountain Insight, 这是一家金融和战略规划公司,帮助以使命为中心的佛蒙特州企业在其社区发展和繁荣. 斯宾塞的一些客户已经从初创企业转变为拥有数百名员工的企业, providing stable jobs and good wages for their employees. 斯宾塞还在州长斯科特的战略规划团队任职,并担任伯灵顿电力公司董事会主席五年, during which time the city became 100% 动力 by renewable energy. Spencer拥有凯洛格管理学院的工商管理硕士学位和塔夫茨大学的学士学位. He lives in Burlington with his wife and two teenage children, 喜欢滑雪, 徒步旅行, and cooking and generally living in Vermont.
凯萨琳年代. Emery-Ginn 在过去的11年里,他一直担任东北财经大学董事会成员,目前是圣. John’s Episcopal Church in Essex, New York. 她的职业生涯植根于IBM, 1982年开始担任DRAM电路设计师,并在整个职业生涯中担任过各种职务,主要从事开发工作, 制造业, 和业务. She managed various business units and worked closely with clients such as Apple, 任天堂, 索尼将网络应用扩展到游戏和消费领域. After working closely with the IBM CEO on various technology 策略 decisions, she retired from IBM in 2011 as an IBM Vice 总统.
弗兰克•哈里斯 is a retired professional in information technology (IT) management. 在他的职业生涯中,他担任Keurig Green Mountain, Inc .的IT基础设施高级总监. (formerly Green Mountain Coffee Roasters). 在此之前,他曾在Fletcher Allen Health Care(现为UVM Medical Center)担任多个职位。, most recently as Vice 总统 of Information Services. 在与NEFCU合并之前,Frank曾担任佛蒙特医疗保健信贷联盟董事会成员7年, including four years as Vice 总统 of the Board. He has served as chair of the NEFCU IT Committee since 1996.
迈克·霍根 recently retired from the State of Vermont, after 30 years of service. 在他职业生涯的最后17年里,他一直担任酒类管制部门的专员. 迈克已经成为VSECU成员三十年了,他发现在信用合作社服务的帮助下,承担生活需求更容易. 迈克和他的妻子玛丽·艾伦住在卡伯特乡下,喜欢养几头黑安格斯奶牛, and biking and running the back roads of their community. Mike目前是Cabot Select Board的成员,并曾在他所在城镇的多个办公室任职. He is an avid reader of history and is active in his church.
朱莉Lineberger leads both Wheel Pad L3C, and LineSync Architecture LTD, in southern Vermont. 她关注各个层面的社会责任,为她的企业获得了B型企业认证. She presents and consults on various aspects of business management regularly. 朱莉之前在国际发展方面的职业生涯包括管理和/或参与联合国开发计划署的项目, the International Rescue Committee, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees throughout the world. Hailing originally from California, 朱莉会说两种语言(西班牙语), and holds a Bachelor of Communications & Sociology from University of California, 圣地亚哥, and a Master of Education from Harvard University.
斯蒂芬妮·莫尼耶 currently serves on the NEFCU 董事会, after originally being elected to the VSECU Board in 2021. 她是一位经验丰富的人力资源策略师,在绩效改进方面经验丰富, 增长, 策略, 优化, leadership development and employee engagement across different industries, both in large enterprises and mid- to late-startups. As the former Director of Human 资源 with Generac, 她在几个转型的业务增长时期管理组织变革和文化. 她是一个领导尚普兰毕业生和校友,并曾担任志愿者社区顾问和小组调解人与埃塞克斯恢复 & 社会正义.
梅格H. 奥唐纳 律师的职业是什么, and has lived and worked in Vermont since 1988, when she moved here from New York City to clerk for Justice Ernest W. Gibson III of the Vermont Supreme Court. She practiced law in Burlington for several years after her clerkship, leaving in late 1992 to become counsel to the Vermont Health Care Authority. Meg spent the next seven years working for the Authority and its successor, 保健管理司(原银行司的一部分), 保险, Securities and Health Care Administration), helping to develop health policies and oversight programs. Meg then served as Director of Government & 社区关系和助理总法律顾问在UVM医疗中心,直到她在2018年退休.
乔治销售 is a small-business and managing owner of Pica-pica Filipino Cuisine in St. Johnsbury. 他是一名认证的项目管理专家(PMP),他的客户和工作经验包括马萨诸塞大学医学院, accd -佛蒙特州, M&T 银行, Department of Homeland 安全, FEMA, and the World 银行. 他拥有雷鸟全球管理学院的国际管理硕士学位, an MBA from Case Western Reserve University, and a BA from George Mason University.
艾米·沃恩 在过去四年中担任NEFCU董事会成员,此前在2017年至2022年期间担任信用社监事会成员. 自2001年以来,她一直在佛蒙特大学医学中心工作,目前是佛蒙特大学健康网络收入财务副总裁 & 报销. 在这个角色中, Amy领导着一个财务专业团队,负责佛蒙特州和纽约州北部六家医院系统的医疗保健财务和收入周期的各种职能.
We encourage our members to be engaged and to contact us with
concerns, compliments, or issues that we as a Board should be considering.
who will address your concern and work with you towards a resolution.
我们在每次理事会会议开始时设有一个公开论坛,供希望在理事会发言的成员使用. 会议通常是
held on the third Wednesday of each month at NEFCU’s Administrative Offices, located at 88 Technology Park Way in South Burlington.